Google Oauth Configuration
Create an OAuth Client in Deepser for Mailbox
In the Deepser Configuration in System > Tools > OAuth > Client > Add Client: enter a name, define the type as Mailbox, set the provider as Google and save.
Once saved, copy the generated Redirect URL.
Go to the Google Cloud Platform, and log in. Once this is done, click on the menu at the top where all the projects are listed.
A window will open where you can create a new project using the New Project button. All you have to do is give your new project a name and click on the Create button.
To enter the newly created project , repeat the process above: click on the menu that groups all the projects and click on the name of the newly created project to start the configuration.
Once you have entered the project, click on the APIs & Services (1) > OAuth Consent Screen (2) section in the menu on the left.
In User Type select External and proceed by clicking Create.
Give the application a name, enter the email used for access in User Support Email and in Developer Contact Information. Proceed to Save & Continue.
Under Scopes, press the Add or Remove Scopes button.
In the form below the paragraph Add Manually, copy and paste the following address Then click Add to Table, and then click Update. Then click save and continue to continue.
In the Trial Users section, click on Add User and enter the email address with which you logged in to the platform.
Now go to the Credentials section of the menu on the left and create a new Oauth Client ID through the Create Credentials button.
In the drop-down menu, select OAuth Client ID.
Select in the application type Web Application, give it a name, and under Authorized Redirect URIs, paste the URI that you previously generated and copied. Finally, click Create button.
The Client ID and Client Secret will be generated and copied and entered into the respective fields of the OAuth Client previously started to configure in Deepser.
Once saved, proceed with the Client Validation by clicking on the Validate button.
Then log in and click Continue.
Tick the boxes regarding the read/write permission of Google Mail and click Continue.
If all the steps have been carried out correctly, the Oauth Client will be validated and active.