Global Import
In Deepser, the configuration and execution of system imports is the exclusive prerogative of administrative users.
In any case, it is possible to give the possibility of executing imports already configured and tested by administrator users to other types of backend users as well.
This possibility is provided by global imports.
Global Import configuration
The configuration of an import as a “Global import” must always be carried out by an administrator user following the configuration and testing phase of the configured import.
In fact, within an import record we find the following fields:
These fields are not visible by default on the Import Form, so to make them appear, you need to edit the Formtemplate and add them.
Field | Definition |
Enable Global Import | It’s a toggle button which indicates if we want this import procedure to be visible to other users expect admin or not. By toggling “Yes” the current import procedure will be shown on the global imports grid. |
Global Import Groups | It’s a multiselect field in which you can choose the user groups that will have visibility to this global import procedure. |
As the first step in configuring global import settings, it is necessary to ensure that the role of the user(s) who need visibility of the import has the ‘Global Menu’ enabled and specifically the ‘Import’ action available as a resource in their role.:
Global import using
Once all the configuration has been completed, users will be able to access the global imports section directly from the global menu at the top right of the screen (icon “…”):
By clicking on the relevant section, you can access the screen with the list of all the global imports accessible:
By clicking on the desired import, it will be possible to access the details, where it is normally possible to upload a file used for the import.
Once the file has been uploaded, it will be possible to perform the import by clicking on the respective “Run” button on the right top corner: