Project Task
This is the Formtemplate showed when a task is opened:
Field | Description |
Title | Title for this task. |
Is Milestone | When switched to “ON” it marks this task as a main phase for this project. |
Deadline | It sets a constrain for this task to finish at a particular date. |
Started At | It is automatically populated with the start date of the project, but it can be changed based on the needs for this task. |
Duration | It sets a duration for the task which can be measured in days or hours, based on the “Duration Unit” field on the project. It is automatically calculated if the “Ended At” field is set. |
Ended At | It sets the date when the task is planned to end. It is automatically calculated if the “Duration” field is set. |
Assigned User | Select field where you can assign this task to a user. |
Status | Status field that represents the task’s progress, with values: ‘’To do’’, ‘’in progress’’, “Done’’,” Deleted”. |
Completion Percentage | Progress bar field measured in percentage, where you can set percentage of completion of this task. |
Description | Field to add a description for this task. |
- Link and Constraint:
Constraint Type -> This field restricts on when the task should finish. When set to values “as soon as possible” or “as late as possible” you can not set a constraint Date for this task. For every other value a constraint date should be set.
Constraint Date -> Based on the constraint type you can set a constraint date for this task.
Link -> This is a grid with all the dependency tasks that are linked to this task. You can directly add a dependency to this task by using the buttons “Add Dest” or “Add Src”.
Add Dest Button -> By clicking “Add Dest” button you can add a task that is dependent on this current task. Src Id field is autocompleted with the current task and on the Dest Id field, you can select the dependent task.
- Finish to Start: The dependent task cannot start until the preceding task finishes.
- Start to Start: The dependent task cannot start until the preceding task starts.
- Finish to Finish: The dependent task cannot finish until the preceding task finishes.
- Start to Finish: The dependent task cannot finish until the preceding task starts.
Add Src Button -> Creates a dependency for this task based on another task. The dest Id field is autocompleted with the current task and on the “Src Id field” you can select the main task linked to this task.
- Configuration:
- Model Alias -> Field to choose a Deepser model that is connected to this task. This field is autocompleted with the project model, but you can also choose for E.g. operation.
- Model Id -> You can choose the model to connect this task to. This field is auto-completed with the current project.
For every task on the table, there is an option to add a subtask by clicking on the “+” button.
The fields for a subtask are the same as for a main task, the difference is that this subtask is directly dependent on the main task.