After configuring the types, you can proceed with inserting a product.
To access the list of products, from the main menu Catalog > Product, we can select the “All” item (which will contain the list of all the products registered in the system, of any type) or you can select the item corresponding to one of the types of configured product.
To create a new product, you can click on “+ Add Product” button on top right corner.
The following fields will then be available to fill in on the entry screen:
Main Data
Field | Description |
Name | Text field that is populated with product name |
Sku | Text field that has the unique code for the product |
Weight | Text field of type number that indicates the weight of product |
Description | Product description |
Class | Select field that indicates the type of product, which can be: simple or grouped. When a product is defined as “grouped” all the other created products will be linked to this product. The grouped products are mainly used in the “Sales” modules of the CRM section (Offers, Orders, Invoices) where they can be used dynamically to add products to an invoice by selecting a single grouped product or statically to add a set of products with the selection of a single grouped product. |
Status | Select field that indicates that whether a product is enabled or disabled. |
Category | Category field type that shows all the categories configured for product model. |
Field | Description |
Currency | Select field with all the available configured currencies. To configure currencies, you can go on: |
Price | Price field that shows the regular price and is measured by the selected currency. |
Special Price | This field indicates a price that can be offered for a designated time period. During the specified time period, the special price appears instead of the regular price. |
Special Price From | The start date of when the special price starts to apply. |
Special Price To | The end date of the special price application. |
Maximum Retail Price | On this field you can set the maximum manufacturer’s retail price. |
Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price | On this field you can set manufacturer’s suggested retail price, which gives you the ability to remain in compliance with the manufacturer’s requirements. |
Linked Products
On this tab are shown all the products that are linked to this product. The field of this tab is populated with the products grid when a product is defined as “grouped”.
Invoice Quantity Rules
On this tab you can set Invoice rules for the product. By invoice rule you can set the quantity of this product that you want to be invoiced.
So, you can proceed clicking on “+ Add Invoice Rule” button on the Invoice Rules grid:
The following fields will then be available to fill in on the entry screen:
Field | Description |
Product | Select field which is auto populated with current product’s name. |
Model Alias | Select field where you can choose the model on which you want this rule to apply to. |
Quantity Calculation Mode | Select field which is used to set whether the quantity for this rule will be set by a field present in the model or by a fixed value. |
Quantity Model Field | Select field which indicates the quantity for which this rule will be applied. |
Model Expression | This query Builder field sets a filter on the model on which this rule will apply to. |
Invoice Expression | This query Builder field sets a filter on the invoices on which this rule will apply to. |
Priority | Text field that sets the priority that determines the order in which multiple rules are applied. When you have multiple price list rules that could potentially apply to a product, Deepser applies them based on their priority. |
Status | Select field that indicates that a rule can enabled or disabled. |