Category Overview
Categories in Deepser are an important tool for the management of Tickets, CIs, or the Deepser entities in general by backend side operators.
The Categories allow you to describe quickly and concisely the scope of that specification required, for greater flexibility Deepser allows you to organize the categories on a hierarchical scale of up to three levels which translates into being able to have a first level category with N categories of second level and each of them with N categories of third level.
The categories in addition can be visible on one or more types of service or some categories can be visible only by some groups of users, this allows you to manage in a granular way the categorization of tickets, in addition they can be enabled and therefore visible or be disabled and therefore not displayed within the appropriate field.
In addition, they can be used as parameters in routing rules (Automatic assignment of tickets, these will be covered in a later lesson) to assign a ticket to a user or group based on the category.
Category Hierarchy
So each first level category corresponds to zero or more second-level categories, and for each 2-level category zero or more third-level categories correspond.
This structure is called hierarchical because if you apply visibility restrictions on a higher-level category, the lower-level categories will inherit those limitations.
Categories in addition can be made visible for all models, by default, or only for a specific model.