Mass Action
In Deepser it is possible to operate on the entities visualized in a grid directly from the grid itself, through some massive actions preconfigured.
To use this feature you need to check, through the check-box in the leftmost column of the grid, the record(s) on which you want to perform the action, or use the short cut(s) of quick selection/de-selection.

Once the records have been selected, from the Actions select-box at the top right, select the action to perform.
Clicking the Submit button, to the right of the Actions select-box, will execute the selected mass action on the ticked records.

In the following example we will use the mass action Modify Priority on some service operations in grid
Step 1. Record selection

Step 2. Mass action selection

Step 3. Selecting the new value Priority

Step 4. Performing mass-action

As you can see the values of the selected records have been changed by the mass action.