Creating an account in the CRM
Estimated reading: 1 minute
The following guide addresses the issue of creating an Account in the CRM, explaining the meaning of the standard input form fields.
1 – Open CRM – Account, Via CRM -> Account
2 – The following fields will be displayed in the Insert Form:
The meaning of the fields is as follows:
Camp | Description |
Name | The Company Account Name |
Type | Indicates the type of Account |
Parent Account | Allows you to Establish a hierarchy between different accounts. He then manages Divisions and Corporate Headquarters. For example, an ACME Account may be parent of ACME Italy and ACME France. |
State | Enable or Disable L Account |
Linked Company | Field that maintains a reference to a Company present in Deepser Companies. (See the section Buttons) |
Owner User | Allows you to specify the Account Administrator. |
Website | My Account website |
Phone | Your Account Phone Number |
Fax | Fax of Account |
Industry | Area of Account Reference |
Employees | Number of Employees |
Satisfaction Rating | Customer Account Satisfaction Level |
Logo | Account Logo Image |
Notes | Additional Notes |
Task | Task Related to Account |