Service Operation Additional Fields
The Service Operation fields are organized in Tabs. The default tabs are Main Data, Details, Closing Info, Activity/Attachments, Email, History, Relations and SLA .
In the following article, we will see the meaning of the additional fields of an Operation, those in the Details, Closing Info and History tabs .
This tab contains various system data, below is the Tab, with the meaning of the various fields present by default:
Field | Meaning |
Submit User | User who entered the request into the system (may be different from the Requester User, i.e. the user who is actually requesting a service). Consider the example of a secretary who submits the request on behalf of their manager. In this case the Submit User is the secretary, while the Requester User is the manager. |
Requester User | User who is actually requesting a service. |
Assigned Group | Assignee Group, which is the work team in charge of processing the request. |
Assigned To | Assigned user of the request. Typically it is an Agent or a Key User. Deepser also allows assignment to end users, in case they have activities to perform to complete the request. |
Mailbox | The email box that will be used to send notifications regarding the Operation. If empty, the system default email box (if configured) will be used. |
Archived | Each Operation can be archived, for example, at the end of the year you can archive all the closed Operations of the previous year so that they will no longer appear in the default grids (they will be visible in the Archived grid). |
Deleted | Each Operation can be deleted. This happens if you set the Operation in a state of class “Deleted”. Requests deleted in this way are not physically elminated from the DataBase, but are only logically elminated (they will be visible in the Deleted grid). To physically delete a request from the DataBase, use the Delete button. This button permanently deletes the record from the system, which will no longer be recoverable. |
Created At | Date of creation in the system of the record. |
Updated At | Date the record was last updated in the system. |
Closed At | Date the record was closed in the system. If a record goes from a closed to a re-opened status, then this date is cancelled. |
Archived At | Date the request was filed. |
Updated By | User who last updated the request. |
Deleted At | Date of logical elimination of the request. |
This tab contains the data useful for closing, such as the solution and the expiry date of the Operation. Following is the tab with the meaning of the various fields present by default:
Field | Meaning |
Due Date | Ticket Expiration Date. |
Signature | Signature, done by mouse, generally of the user who resolved the ticket. |
Solution | Description of what allowed the ticket to be resolved. |
This Tab contains a grid with the history of all changes made to Operation.
Each edit is grouped by operating user, and shows for each field, the value before saving, and the new value inserted.