Private Password
Deepser gives to each user the ability to store private passwords.
These passwords are defined as private , since they are only available to the user who created them, and even system admins don’t have access to them.
Private passwords are encrypted when set , and decrypted when read, using a passphrase defined at user level.
So to ensure greater security, each user can define their own passphrase.
In Deepser you can access passwords in two ways, through the main menu, or, if properly configured, through the user portal.
1a – Access the Password module from the main Deepser menu.
1b – Access through the drop-down menu of the user portal.
2 – Start the password creation procedure (see the dedicated guide in the academy), but set the Is private field to yes.
Note: It is possible to make a private password public, but not the other way around.
3 – A new button will appear, Reset user passphrase, this allows you to choose a passphrase at user level.
4 – After clicking the button, choose a personal passphrase, then save it.
5 – Now a personal passphrase is set, so you can proceed storing your private password by clicking Save.
Note: Not all view and use fields are present, because only the user who configured the private password can have access to it.