Import Basic Data Binding
This field is used to perform the binding (also called “mapping”) between each column of the source import file (Excel file) and the fields of the selected model in the Database, so that deepster can populate every field of its database with the correct corrisponding value.
Entity: this column has a list of fields from the entity inside the Database of Deepser. It is the list of fields (also custom fields) present in the DB table for the Model Selected. E.g.: if you select “DeepCmdb – Ci” Model, here you will find all the fields of the CIs in the Deepser database table deep_cmdb_ci.
File: it represents the column of the Excel import file, which is read. It is selected from a select-box containg the names of columns in the File header (first row of the Excel).
Code: by clicking the button in the code column, a scripting area will open. The PHP code in this area will be executed when the value of the single column selected is evaluated and saved.
1 – To define a new binding occurence, simply click the “+” button (light blue, below the fields list), to delete it, instead click on the red ‘minus’ button on the right side.
2 –Now you can bind each field(column name) from the source file to the corrisponding one in the Deepser entity model.
3 – Once the binding is completed, everything is set up for a basic import procedure, and you can start the process by saving and then clicking on the yellow ‘Run’button, or schedule the import to recur over time. If everything went well, a green label should state how many entities were affected.