Sla calendars are the basic tool that allows Deepser to correctly process timelines and deadlines for terms of service.
In this lesson we will cover sla calendars in Deepser in more detail.
Calendar Definition
In Deepser the sla calendars are used to define the working times.
Since the SLAs allow you to define objectives within which actions must be carried out, the calendars allow Deepser to tread these objectives taking into account any midweek holidays or non-working days or weeks of suspension of activities for the company.
Note that Deepser already has a default calendar for SLAs, but it is advisable to check its configuration since the working week may vary depending on the country or company conventions.
Create a new calendar
To create a new calendar, you will need to Go to the menu: System -> Service Design -> Sla -> Calendar
At this point, you will need to click on the “Add Calendar” button.
Now both will open the following screen:
To proceed to create the calendar, you will need to fill in the “Name” field, set the correct Timezone and click on the “Save” or “Apply” button to save the calendar.
Work Week Configuration
To configure the working week, you will need to Go to the menu: System -> Service Design -> Sla -> Calendar
At this point we will have to click on the calendar that we want to go and edit.
To configure the work week, you will need to configure the Working Week section.
To do this it will be necessary to fill in the first field with the day we want to configure in this case on Monday, in the second field we will enter the start time of Activity, in the third field the minutes of start of activity.
Similarly, in the third and fourth field, we will enter the time of end of activity.
To configure the afternoon working hours, we proceed in the same way.
At this point, the result will look like this:
We can now proceed in the same way for all working days of the week.
Once you have finished this step, you can click the “Save” button to save your changes.
Configuring Holidays and Business Suspension
To configure public holidays, you will need to go to the menu: System -> Service Design -> Sla -> Calendar.
At this point, we will have to click on the calendar that we want to go and edit.
Now in the Holidays section.
We will configure the first field with the name of the holiday, in this case “Christmas”, in the field next to it, we set the date through the selector that will appear, to confirm it will be necessary to click on the “Add” button.
Once done, the result will look like this:
It will be possible to proceed in the same way for all the public holidays present.
Finally, you will need to click on the “Save” button to save the Changes.