Relation Graph View
Relation Graph View is used to create a visual interface of relation module. This module has two entities:
- Graph View
- Palette
Graph View
Graph View is the main entity where we will configure the relation. This entity is found inside the Relation module. When we go to that entity we can see the following image:
- To create a new entity just click the button “Add Graph View”.
- To edit an existing entity just click the row of that entity.
- To see the graphical view of a relation, click the open graph button of the respective entity.
Creating / Editing Graph View
When we create or edit a graph view entity the following form will be shown.
The available fields are inside the graph view tab:
- Name – the name of this relation.
- Model Alias – main model of this relation.
- Relation – existing simple relations.
- Expressions – filtering the entities that will be displayed inside this relation.
- Related custom fields – add new related models to this main model.
- Default Layout – the layout of the relation.
- Palette Id – the colors and descriptions that will be used inside of this relation.
The available fields inside the permissions tab:
- View groups – which group can view this relation.
- View users – which user can view this relation.
- View and edit groups – which group can view and edit.
- View and edit users – which user can view and edit.
Open graph view button
When we click the “open graph view” button we will be redirected to the following page
Here you can see on the left side all the entities that we have predefined in the above configuration and the relations between all the entities. You can drag these entities to your needs. On the right side we have a menu with 5 main parts:
- Node search and focus: is used to search for a specific entity or focus the view to the selected one.
- Legend: is used to show the colors of the relationships between entities. If we click one element inside the legend, we can toggle on and off the relations lines.
- Layout: is used to change the layout of the relation.
- Exclude models: is used to hide/show models that are available inside this relation.
- Export button: when clicked downloads the current view as a png file.
Right click on an entity
When we right click on an entity inside the graph view the following popup will appear.
We can see 4 elements inside the popup:
- Open form – opens the form of this entity on a new tab.
- Relations – relations is used to append existing relations to the graph view. When we select this option a new modal will show where you can select a relation. On this selection only the relations that have the same Src Model as the entity we right clicked.
- Entities in current node – is used to show the entities that are present inside this current model. When clicked the following modal will show. Here you can see all the fields of the selected entity that are separate models inside Deepser.
- Related entities – is used to show all entities that are associated with the current selections. This shows only the models that have this entity assigned.
Palette is used to make this relation more understandable by using colors and icons. Palette is located inside the relation module.
We can add a new palette by clicking Add Palette or edit an existing palette by clicking the respective row. Inside the palette form we have 3 main elements:
- Name – name of this palette.
- Status – status of this palette.
- Palette items – all available items inside the palette.
When we click the Add Palette Item button or click one of the existing items the following window will show up:
Here we can see the following fields:
- Model alias – which model these items will apply to.
- Expressions – is to add more filters even between the elements of the same model.
- Status – the status of this item.
- Priority – the entity that fills 2 or more items filters will get the style of the one with the higher priority.
- Label fields – what will be shown inside the graph view.
- Label separator – how these labels will be separated.
- Icon – what icon will these entities have.
- Color – what color these entities will be displayed with.
- Tooltip – what data will be shown when we hover an entity inside the graph view.